Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Two giants in the Automotive Industry Scrambling to Name Cars

Selection of the name of the car is indeed closely related to the success of these products is accepted the world community. When choosing a name, the manufacturer of the vehicle could have been plummeting sales.

Two giants in the Automotive Industry Scrambling to Name Cars

That's why, competition is very fierce name ownership took place favoring automotive. One of the latest cases, which flourished in the virtual world is the name of the struggle between Fiat and Audi.

Audi wanted to develop a variant of the Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) them by adding new types. At present, the output of new Audi SUV line there are three, the Audi Q3, Audi Q5 and Audi Q7.

To be able to compete with rivals, rivals BMW, Audi intends to add two more variants of the SUV. But unfortunately, the name of Q2 and Q4 are already owned by Fiat, the automotive giant from Italy. The name is actually used on the Alfa Romeo brand, which happens to be owned by Fiat.

Alfa Romeo uses the name Q2 and Q4 to distinguish motion system of vehicle, whether two wheels or four wheels. In addition to the Alfa Romeo, Maserati (who also now join with Fiat) using this code for the type of engine on several sedan and SUV type them.

Audi has ever asked for Fiat to take off both names, even offers a number of funds to take over Fiat's Alfa Romeo brand, but with the outright rejected.

Whereas, if only Fiat want to merelakannya, endless Fund of Audi enough to resurrect the name Alfa Romeo which is now being derailed.

Reportedly, the rejection of this Fiat because of dispute between two well-known car manufacturers of the top brass, where they are competing to drop the name of one another.

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